
1,253 Art Reviews

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The colors are very vivid. Great attention to detail and and spacing. This is a good tribute to the original anime Ponyo. She looks so relaxed and peaceful.

So many characters all packed into this art work. The vibrant colors help you to feel happy about this special holiday. It is Mario's time to shine on March 10th. Happy Super Mario day to everybody.

The Pixel art looks great, and the lighting special effects really increase the quality. The feeling of dread over the count down clock comes across well. However, we can still all enjoy Super Mario Day.

DeadkatNG responds:

Thank you so much! I admit I was a bit lazy with the lightning but I'm glad it came out alright. And yeah, march 31st is going to be a bit weird but we still have a lot of mario to play!

This is amazing, the characters look very bubbly and creative, I love the emotion and the talent this creation brought you did a very good job!

This is amazing! I love the colors, design, it looks very cute and I bet it took a long time to make, I love the accessories and the character of it, I like that you did multiple, great work!

This is very beautiful! I can tell you took a lot of time to make this, she looks very adorable, nice work!

There are so many different types of slimes, just check them out. So many different colors and shades. The details of the slimes are great. You can really tell them apart. It is cool that you actually did this for a company.

Your artwork is so refined. Wonderful detail and colors that mix so well. The snow falling and on the ground is so realistic. It looks like something you would see for sale in a store, or online.

I like how your eye is drawn towards Noemi and away from the entire scene. Very nice details on the torn pants and the motor scooter. Great color work to make her vibrant and the rest all faded.

The attention to detail could be better, I think I can see a smile on his stomach. It is an interesting mixture between art and animation. Have you thought about turning this GIF, into a movie or a video game character?

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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