Great illustration that looks like a photograph. Nice work on the details.
Great illustration that looks like a photograph. Nice work on the details.
Thanks Strongbro.
A creative idea that was executed very well. The only thing missing is vivid color.
Nice colors and detail. The background could use more work.
This picture of three girls in the forest really tells a story. The witches are having a secret meeting. The colors and bright and vivid.
Sunken Forrest is a pixel art work of art. The graphics are bright and vivid. The attention to detail is fair, but could improved. There is no wasted space, even the background has color and attention. The main figure could be larger.
Captain Blackfinger is an undead pirate that has a crew of skeletons. The color is vivid, but not bright. It makes sense for a night time voyager. Great attention to detail on the captain and skeleton crew. There is no wasted space. Captain Blackfinger is an amazing piece of art.
James Fritz is a drawing of a host on a show. The color is vivid, but not bright. The attention to detail is fine, but could be better. There should be more in the background , not just empty space.
Kirby is pixel art based off the Nintendo character Kirby. Kirby could be larger, not sure why he is so small. Having an empty background is never a good idea. There should always be something.
Maiko is one of the best anime artwork that I have seen on NewGrounds. She is feminine and has good attention to detail. The color works well, and the purple eyes just stand out.
Thanks for feedback~
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04