Very nice.
Different and interesting. Good job!
Nice work.
Thanks ^^
Interesting, the only thing that would top this is if you actually drew a picture of your hand holding a pencil drawing a batman that's drawing a batman that is in a room with previous drawings. A picture within a picture within a picture. It would be like Inception in drawing form.
That would be creeping into the MC Escher territory rather than Norman Rockwell ;)
Nice job.
thanks :)
A woman two face. Well I just saw a woman spiderman so I guess. Do you have a batwoman?
Spiderwoman... ok, sure. I guess, I mean there is a catwoman and wonderwoman. What's next, batwoman?
Love how you touch on touchy subjects and make everyone really take a moment and think. I like your sense of humor as well.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04