
7,723 Game Reviews

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Stick war themed flash. Starting off with stick figures is always going to lower your overall quality. There needs to be more combat in areas to explore.

Killing themed flash. Graphics are using the lowest quality technique known as stick men. The characters should really be fleshed out. The death scenes are lazy and uninspired.

Pong remake flash. Graphics are boring and could use a fragrant mix of colors. Gameplay seems odd as the obstacles don't really add much to the overall enjoyment.

Gadget that makes burp sounds. Graphics are simple and need to look more professional to be taken seriously. Sound quality was off and it was just burps as clips.

Pong themed flash. Graphics are too basic and could use some razzle dazzle. This is just another remake of Pong. This really needs sound effects and a good musical track. Next time, you should use it original idea.

This was made on 4/7/06, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Sideshow of pictures. There's no animation here and it is not really a game. The pictures themselves do not provide enough comedy.

Pong remake flash. The graphics could use more polish do you look professional. It could use more things that make it unique including power ups.

This was made on six/19/08, and I am only the 8th person to review it.

Kill the celebrity flash. Graphics are just a picture of Brad Pitt's head. Gameplay has a very short length and is not that rewarding. With more time and effort this might be better.

This was made on 8/30/00, and I am only the 17th person to review it.

Gravity themed tutorial. Graphics Travis have an interesting and unique vibe to them. This tutorial does an okay job of explaining the subject matter, but it could use more examples.

This was made on 11/13/08, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

War themed flash. Graphics are all stick figures and should really be fleshed out. This is not much of a game it actually is an interactive movie. It could you use much more action and content.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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