
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Outer space theme flash. The graphics have low quality I need to look much better. Gameplay is uninspired and boring. If you added unlockables that might help with the replay factor. This feels like an empty beta.

This was made on 10/29/02, and I am only the sixth person to review it.

Reaction themed flash. Graphics show a little improvement from the original episode. Game play would be better if you put the controls in the authors comments. The game could be longer.

This was made on 9/13/02, and I am only the 11th person to review it.

Pizza eating flash. Graphics have good quality and animation. Great for an April 1st submission.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Jake adventure flash. Graphics are low quality and really need improvements. This needs more to do and my goals to achieve. That would make this more of an actual game.

I was born on 8/29/02, and I am only the eighteenth person to review me.

Ollie themed flash. Graphics have average color and attention to detail. Gameplay is pretty much the same as the original episode.

Racing themed flash. Graphics are simple and need more polish. Gameplay is not programmed well. With tons of work this demo might be average.

This was made on 8/5/02, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.

This is not a movie or even a game. It is just some music loops. I cannot recommend this at all.

This was made on 6/22/02, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Blackbeard themed flash. Graphics feel more like a comic strip due to the lack of animation. You should make this longer and make more successful.

This was made on 6/23/02, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.

Puzzle theme flash. Graphics are basic. They need bright colors and some razzle dazzle. There is nothing new or original presented here.

This was made on 6/8/02, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Clock Crew flash. It has the standard poor quality Clock Crew graphics. If the gun worked better and there was more content, this might have been decent.

This was made on 4/11/02, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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