
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is just a beta of a sound board. The buttons could be larger and more dynamic. This might be better once it is fully completed.

This was made on 9/20/12, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

Star Trek flash. The graphics have that Star Trek vibe to them. Gameplay takes a minute to learn, but I mastered it with no issues. Slowdown can be an issue. Bugs will never be fixed since the source code has been lost.

Valentine's day flash. Graphics have a romance and love vibe. Gameplay is puzzle solving. It could use more action and content.

Mario first person shooter. Graphics have a Doom style with Mario themed graphics. Gameplay could use some power ups and upgrades. Sometimes, the enemies will group on you quickly.

Soundboard featuring Staffan Christerson. The graphics could be more professional. There could be more sound clips. The biggest issue is no English translation.

Harry Potter parody flash. This is a NewGrounds classic from way back in 2001. The game could be longer and have more things to do. Yes, I did find the egg.

I am not sure what I just watched. This is just weird and random. The graphics are below average, and it could have been more interactive.

Blackjack themed flash. Graphics look like a standard deck of cards. Gameplay works well enough, but it needs more. You could use your earnings to earn unlockables.

This was made on 9/19/10, and I am only the four person to review it.

Adventure themed flash. Graphics have low quality, and the main character looks like he was made in MS Paint. Gameplay has many bugs. You can have loading times when you go through doors. It can be challenging to read what people try to tell you.

Color themed flash. Graphics have colors everywhere and could use more attention to detail. Gameplay has issues with the controls. There needs to be more things to do.

This game was made on 9/20/10, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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