
7,724 Game Reviews

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Cthulhu themed flash. The graphics look good for a card game but there could be more razzle dazzle. Gameplay is just like your typical card game with some different rules. If you added many more cards and had a way to play against other players than this would become Top Notch.

Ant themed adventure flash. The graphics are simple and could more attention to detail. The controls are the typical point and click. There could be more action and goals to achieve.

This was made on 12/8/09, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Boxing themed flesh. The graphics are okay, but they could use more polish to look professional. The controls are button mashing the two buttons. Gameplay would benefit from having the ability to play against the computer.

Puzzle with colors flash. Graphics are plenty of colors all at once. Gameplay can become repetitive at times. Can be dangerous if you forget to blink.

Arena shooter flash. The graphics have a nice outer space vibe. Gameplay is decent but it has a few issues. You should be able to replay levels that you have finished. It would make sense to increase your scores, and also allow you to earn extra money. Another good idea would be to purchase armor and upgrades for your ship.

Dynamite explosion flash. Graphics are decent enough but could use more razzle dazzle. Gameplay has glitched physics. The challenge level is not easy enough. If you made the explosions larger and more colorful be an improvement.

Cat themed flash. The graphics are simple and could use more polish to look professional. Controls or point and click and there is really no way to lose. If you translated this to English, it would probably have a higher rating.

This was made on 10/19/09, and I am only the fourteenth person to review it.

Killing themed flash. The graphics are below average and really need to look better. Gameplay would benefit from multiple levels and more goals to achieve. Adding unlockables could be helpful as well. It also needs music and sound effects.

Halloween shooting flash. Graphics have the Halloween vibe. Gameplay is limited by all of the slowdown. If you removed the lag and added more weapon variety than this game might be better.

Squirrel collecting flash. Graphics are decent enough o tell everything apart. Gameplay is okay, but there is no way to be able to complete the entire game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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