
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Standard space shooter that doesn't stand out. Graphics are average and need flashy colors and polish. Gameplay is fine, but fine isn't exciting. You need to add something interesting that will help this flash be remembered.

This was made on 5/28/08, and I am only the nineteenth person to review it.

Another generic space shooter. Graphics are okay but could be more dynamic and detailed. Gameplay is decent, but could use more ship choices, more weapon choices, and other upgrades. Adding sound effects and musical choices would be a smart idea.

This was made on 8/20/05, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

Flash that is all about bombs. Graphics are okay, but the explosions need more razzle dazzle. Gameplay could use more goals to achieve and content. Normal bombing gets repetitive quickly.

This was made on 9/22/07, and I am only the sixth person top review it.

Tutorial that has the focus on learning, but totally forgets humor and fun. Graphics need bright and vibrant colors. If you added some jokes and comedy during the tutorial, it would go a long way.

This was made on 5/25/08, and I am only the thirteenth person to review it.

Guessing game based of eyeware, is an original idea. However, the minor celebrities are too unknown. If you made an American version, it would do better with NewGrounds American audience. For a silly flash, the humor was low. Work on more jokes and comedy.

Average maze game with nothing too original. Gameplay needs power ups that can increase your speed. Adding bonus levels would be a good idea.

This was made on 5/25/08, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Gadget of I ching flash. This works okay for just a gadget. If you combined this with an actual game, it could work better. Not much here on its own.

This was made on 3/24/03, and I am only the twelfth person to review it.

Samurai flash all about jumping. Graphics are decent but could use more razzle dazzle. Gameplay is mostly jumping over crates. It would be more fun if you had various samurai swords and guns to destroy crates.

This was made on 5/3/08, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Simple fighting flash. Graphics are poor quality, improve the attention to detail. Add more fighters to select from, more moves per fighter, and plenty of special attacks.

Card game brought to the world of flash. This borrows from Magic the Gathering. The graphics should be sharper and shinier. If you added many more cards, it could allow players to make up their own specialized decks.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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