
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Simple flash that borrows from Castlevania. Gameplay was too short, and the challenge was very low. Comedy came down to one joke at the end.

Small tutorial about making a draggable slider. Graphics are okay and you can tell everything apart. Adding more examples would be a smart idea.

This was made on 2/7/08, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Flash featuring a Japanese anime girl. You should add more props. If you added the ability to animate your creation, and a way to interact with her it would be an improvement.

This was made on 1/22/08, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

Christmas themed cursor guiding flash. The graphics definitely presented the Christmas vibe. Gameplay can become repetitive quickly. You should give the option of different musical tracks and should include a mute button.

Another zombie themed flash. It feels like a demo. If you added, different levels, more weapon choices, and upgrades It could be better.

Snowboarding flash the features Game Gecko. Graphics were good enough to tell everything apart. Gameplay could be better if you included upgrades, powerups, and shorter levels.

This was made on 11/16/06, and I am only the 10th person to review it.

Short cube themed flash. Graphics are average and could use more color and polish. Gameplay was too short, and you should make it much longer. If you replaced the luck factor with skill it could increase the fun.

This was made on 2/7/06, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

This flash is a tutorial about drag and drop. The graphics are nice except for the font. The font is too hard to read.

This was made on 12/27/06, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

Maze themed flash. Graphics are low quality, and the fairies look like red dots. The screen should have a zoom in feature so, it's easier to see everything.

This was made on 12/25/07, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Spaceship themed demo. Graphics are decent but could use more razzle dazzle. There is no story or ending. Needs more ship choices, weapons, and special attacks.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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