
7,723 Game Reviews

616 w/ Responses

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The graphics have poor quality. Your musical selection is not good, you should offer more musical selection choices. This feels like a demo. It could be better once you put in more effort.

I see this flash ranking as a short mini game. There should be something to unlock with your score. This is okay for your first game, but you should try harder with your next submission.

Gameplay starts off easy and then you start to get addicted. The best part of this game are the secrets. I will not give any spoilers, but I did enjoy the secrets. You could add more secrets to prolong your experience.

Cycon responds:

This was just my attempt to tell a lot of kids to stop sending me messages on AIM and calling me God and shit because 1. Maybe I AM God, fuck, I need real help, and 2. Where the fuck are your parents, kid, I tried to warn you guys, "there could be a 40 year old man beatin.." you know, the line. Also, I couldn't talk to anyone because the design was LITERALLY that game and i'd get screen locked mid-typing with a new one that took the reticle and started typing there, but before i can fix it, bam, then again, now they know OH GOD, switch names, HOWD THEY FIND ME, GAHHHH WHY DO THEY LIKE THIS SHIT.

Those kids send me emails now sometimes, blaming me for their childhood and I guess its a compliment, but, what if its NOT... the shit i've seen, my son... the shit...

Graphics are somewhat close to the Final fantasy style. Your use of humor helps the story move along. You could always include more skill and weapon choices.

I do agree about the confusion of Final Fantasy games when part 2 was released. There is also the chaos of the USA FF2 actually being the Japanese version 4.

I was enjoying the gameplay, but the bugs and slowdown ruined the experience. Remove the lag first, and then start work on those bugs. I was able to defeat this game.

There were not many changes from the first game. This is just more levels of the same magnetic experience. The difficulty level has been raised as well.

Graphics are okay, but your animations could be much smoother. The challenge of gameplay was easy. You could add a hard setting after you beat this game on easy. That could be helpful.

Graphics on the ball are spot on, but the backgrounds are too bland. They need to be fancier and better looking. The gameplay is all about the effect of magnetism. So, you either love it or hate it.

Controls are hard to navigate since the cursor is a blue dot that is difficult to see. You should make the cursor easier to see. The music needs more choices instead of the current choice. Your Author's Comments encourage people not to play this game. Which is probably an unfunny joke but seems like a poor idea.

This game was made on 4/27/05, and I am the eighth person to vote on it.

The graphics are the best feature for this scene maker based off Star Wars 3. If you added more backgrounds and figures that would help this become Top Notch.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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