
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Each car having different stats is nice, and having unlockable cars was great. It takes a very long time to get all the unlockables. You should make it faster to earn them all.

This is a very simple version of a leveling game combined with a action game. It can use polished up graphics and special effects. The gameplay is easy and has potential. You should make different classes and skills that you can use. That would increase your replay factor.

This flash introduces everybody to the girls of British Page 3. The gameplay can be tricky at first, but after a few seconds, I figured it all out. You should be able to use your score to unlock new girls.

This was an interesting idea when this flash was created. It is always good to experience something new. You should make this longer.

This game could be fun, but you run into so much lag. If you removed all the slowdown and made the graphics fancier, then this game might become Top Notch.

This game was made on 1/3/05, and I am the ninth person to vote on it.

This reminds me of Dragon's lair the old school Arcade game. Your graphics are the best part, but you should really have much more animation. With work this could be Top Notch.

This is a decent game, but you really need to improve the graphics. Gameplay is fun, but lag really ruins it. Remove the lag and this game could be much better.

This game seems very familiar. Anyway, the gameplay is fun and the challenge level is easy. You should brighten up the colors and polish up your graphics.

This has a lot of promise but cannot deliver on it. This could be made into a fun game, but the glitches just ruin it all. You can stack up houses on each other, each house needs its own defined space. The pickaxe number can go into the negatives, that should be prevented from happening. Remove all the glitches, and this could be Top Notch.

This is a tutorial all about Game Components. If you are curious about this subject, than this could be the tutorial for you. It could use fancy graphics and more animation to be better.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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