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Combining Pac-Man and The Simpsons sounds excellent, but not in this game. Homer's head has issues trying to turn down corridors, especially when you try to do it quickly. I also experienced some slowdown in the later levels. Tighten up your controls and remove the lag for this game to improve.

You really seem to have figured out the formula with this third episode. The new features worked out well. What will happen once you leave the inside of the pyramid?

I can see some improvements from the first episode. it was easier and had more fun making it all the way to the end.

This is the type of platformer that you would find in Solomon's Key the NES classic. In this first level, I would double the amount of time. You want the player to figure out the controls and how to navigate this maze of spikes. If you do run out of time, you should only lose one life not the entire game.

This is a maze game that auto scrolls while you are playing. The fire effect in the background is distracting and annoying. You should have an option to remove the fire. I have never been a been a big fan of auto scrolling levels in video games.

This game has been inspired from the NES classic Arkanoid. The biggest issue with this flash is the slowdown. If you removed the lag than there would be improvement.

Creating a gun and using it can be fun for a little bit. There should be more gun option choices. This is just a demo, next time submit a complete flash.

This is an excellent idea, but the execution fails. You should of designed this as a RTS. That way you can easily pick which until gets created. You can also see your money and progression towards higher technology. Making a tutorial would be an improvement.

This is yet another dress up game. It does offer more than one figure to dress up, but non of then are women. You really need to include at least one women option. That is the biggest reason people play dress up games.

This is a nice action shooter game that actually includes a boss, which is always needed. You should include more death animations for the bad guys. There should be more weapons and attack choices.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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