
7,723 Game Reviews

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This is a shooting game where the goal is not to shoot Marvin. There is a way to beat this game much easier by using a secret trick. You should include different levels with different targets.

Graphics are okay, but they could use much more polish. The controls are a bit off and it can increase the overall difficulty of the game. Next time you should make a game with a more original idea.

The objects you are shooting should be larger. The objects should only be released when you press Space Bar, instead of waiting a few seconds and then be released automatically. You should be able to upgrade your skills and your gun.

The graphics looks like a drum set. I had no issues with using the mouse or the actual keys. If you had many more sounds, and included some animations this game would improve.

Why did you call this game " Peg " instead of " Kill " them? Why does it take so many shots to stop them? The music was just horrible. You should be able to use different weapons to kill them and change up the music.

Graphics are low tier and need more attention to detail. The box has such a wield movement path. The gameplay is frustrating since you have to click things multiple times. Correct the bugs and this game would be much better.

This was interesting idea to of a sound board and then killing this guy, Steve. There should be different ways to kill him. That would make the game more fun.

The graphics are sharp and vivid. The Gameplay is just point and clicking. After a few clicks you can win the game. You should add more things to click and different levels to explore.

This is an imitation of the classic NES game Spy Hunter. You can only shoot forward, so you have to drive in the grass to destroy the cameras. You should allow the car to shoot in different directions, so it's easier to kill those cameras.

The little video window needs to be much larger. This has potential, but the execution was lacking. You should really list the instructions in the Author Comments.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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