
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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This game just is just lazy. First, you should have made different enemies, instead of just copying and pasting the one enemy over and over. You should include a choice of guns, instead of just one gun that shoots one shot at a time. How about including a score system?

The graphics are poor, even for 2001. The gameplay is short and lame. Try harder when creating the graphics. Make the stages longer and include some powerups. Including a scoring system is always a plus.

This is based off the classic NES game Arkanoid. This game is to slow, if you made it faster it would be an improvement. You did not even write this game. Next time, only submit your own creations.

As a side note, this was the last game of 2001.

Graphics are fine, and the animation has an unique shaky style. It is a short and sweet little adventure game. The Christmas theme came through without being too over the top.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

DoNotMatch responds:

epic and thanks!

This is a remake of the arcade classic Dance, Dance, Revolution. Graphics are sprites taken from various games and places. This was a monster hit when it first was released on NewGrounds. I am glad to see that it is still working after twenty years.

Graphics are colorful and have a decent level of detail. It is a basic dress game. It needs many more props to increase the content and replay factor.

Stick figures are the lowest form of graphics. The white background needs color and decorations. This is not really a game at all. Just some interactive buttons.

The graphics are decent, and the target really stands out. However, the target is challenging to hit. Easy mode doesn't do enough. Slow down the target and include a simple pattern. That would be an improvement.

The graphics are average at best, but this game is all about turds. It is a silly concept, and it was not executed well. This might be funny for kids under the age of 10. Next time, stay away from potty humor themed games.

Not many graphics at all, and the stickman is low quality. The quiz itself is only three questions. the answer always seems to be the same. With better graphics, some animation, and at least 10 total questions this game could see improvement.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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