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Graphics are very basic pixel arts. There are some average controls as well. Gameplay works okay, and without slowdown. This game works, but it is just average overall. Nothing new or exciting at all.

Graphics are decent, you can tell the coffee from the sugar. You use the mouse for the controls, so that works well. How long are the rounds supposed to be? I played round one and killed 240 sugars, and then I was bored. You should either add a time limit until you win, or the number that is needed to complete stage one at the top of the screen. Also, you should translate everything into English. Those changes should help this game improve.

Spodeurman responds:

Hi ! Thank you for playing Cafey
This game was an old game and i gonna work for upgrade the next ones coming soon !

The graphics are pixel art which is the standard. I am not the biggest fan of spacebar as your dash. There was no slowdown during gameplay. This is only a demo so you lose points. The final project should be improved.

Graphics are bare black and white pixels. Controls are decent enough. This is a really short minigame. Pizza places will always be dangerous at night. Just when you thought you were safe from mechanical animals, now you have to worry about ghosts. You should make this longer and with more content.

ReiMouse responds:

Yeah, I'll try to make my games longer from now on.

I can see the influence from Coin Drop and Peggle. Controls are responsive and easy to master. Gameplay is all about trying to land the coins in the exact spot. This is a fun skill-based game.

The Pixel Arts graphics have a nice anime flavor. The main character is actually not short for once. The controls were okay, including a way to remap keys would-be very helpful. I like the choice of playing normal for fun, or the timed mode for a speed run. This is a top-notch game.

ShibeyFaceGames responds:

Thanks so much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Custom controls are a great suggestion, I'll consider that for a future update! (Though gamepad support will probably arrive first)

The graphics start off black and white and provide a creepy visual from the start. I am not the biggest fan of shift as a key, but controls were decent. You should allow players to remap the keys. If you added more weapon choices and skins, this could really improve.

Vonka responds:

I'm sorry, but I have to leave this control setting for shift fans.

Graphics are Pixel Art that take on the spooky atmosphere of this game. Controls are decent enough, and I mastered them quickly. If you like to figure out puzzles and riddles, then you should enjoy this game.

Graphics are very bare bones. You should use Pixel Art, like every other game maker is using. Having a way to bind the keys is always the way to go. You should add more weapons and power ups.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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