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The graphics look retro so you it is off to a good start. It took a while to load up, and I noticed lag as well. Lag can ruin even the best game. Next time you should get a Beta Tester to try everything out before you present it. If you need my help, just let me know.

MoeAnguish responds:


Graphics are great and there is plenty of attention to detail. The standard controls worked well for me. There was plenty of action and excitement. If you added more upgrades, weapons, and ways to live longer the game would improve.

The pixel art graphics are the standard for games these days. The choice of being able to use a gamepad or mouse and keyboard was top notch. The weapon changing was an interesting idea.

This a fun run and shooting game that is all about pigs. The challenge level is very high. If you increased the number of items that you can carry it would be really useful. It came out well for a Ludum Dare 48 submission.

Graphics are bland, you see a green cucumber man and you are a small heart. The trick here is trying to get out of the box. It can take time to figure out how, as it keeps changing in the battle. Another issue is once you leave the box, sometimes you just return without hurting the boss at all.

MrPickle2021 responds:

yeah you don't have to hurt him. you can survive all the attacks for pacifist. but you can beat him if you learn how to do it really fast. but you won't progress through the story

Also, i'm not a good artist. sorry. I have a friend who is a great artist who is gonna redo all my art.

Graphics are okay, except for when the red light starts flashing. Controls work well enough for the race. There is only one level in this game. You should add several more levels at the very least. It feels like an unfinished demo.

Graphics are poor, images of Doritos and mountain dew. Controls are basic, but they are probably the best part of this game. It is too short. You should include much more content and action.

scarybois12341234 responds:

thanks for the feedback!
and not to sound rude or anything but... your horny af

The graphics are pixel art so it's like most games. The biggest problem is the controls. There should be a way to change them to other keys. That would allow players to enjoy the gameplay.

Graphics are just a stock photo. Controls work, but there is not much to do. This game feels like a very early demo. Next time include more content and use real graphics.

The graphics are bad, and the entire screen looks squashed. On the second level, I ran into a glitch. I could not play the game anymore. Remove the errors and fix those visuals right away.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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