This game needs music and sounds, instructions, a start menu, more content, and a story.
This game needs music and sounds, instructions, a start menu, more content, and a story.
This is a loop of firing a gun and people running. More of a two second movie than a game.
A great Halloween that arrived just after Christmas.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
If you included upgrades, better graphics, and some polish this game would be successful.
A basic version of the game snake. You put very little work into it.
You should include instructions, the ability to pick up items, better graphics, and improve the melee attack.
You should include better animation, graphics, a story, and a way to win this game.
Better graphics, more levels, more content, and plenty of polish would turn this into a great game.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04