This game takes ten seconds, but is not fun.
This game takes ten seconds, but is not fun.
The game does work, and you can win it.
This game is bad, and you should feel bad for making it.
Next time try to make an actual game. This joke submission is not funny.
Everyone involved in this collab has contributed several quality submissions to Newgrounds over the years.
This is an unclear map, not a game.
This game is the not the best game ever. It is probably the worst.
He says " I'm Batman ". This is not really a game.
A basic and fun soccer game. More players and updates would improve the fun.
Flappy Bird meets soccer, and the result is not good. I enjoy Soccer way more than Flappy Bird.
This game has lag and could use better music.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04