This was an okay installment in the series.
The medal works, and I earned it.
This was an okay installment in the series.
The medal works, and I earned it.
A silly game that tries to scare the audience. Next time, try to use an original idea.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
I'm a bad person I know...
An average platformer with average difficulty. Could use polishing and better music to be an excellent game.
This is an okay action game, but the controls need work. Every level is the same with the same enemies.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
This is okay, but there are sill bugs. Good luck with the next version.
Nice work on a Mario related game.
Not every game has to be so difficult. Your next game should be easier, and actually fun to play.
You put almost no effort into this game. Try harder next time.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04