
662 Movie Reviews

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Amazing Flash Movie

This was an amazing flash Movie. Keep up the good work. :)

This is good flash Tom Cruise is a baby.

This is good flash Tom Cruise is a baby. Oh no he got wet, what a cry baby. I hate actors that play heroes but are wimps in real life. I wonder how long he will cry about this. Him and his fake relationship with Katie Holmes. ugh

This was a great spider-man flash.

This was a great spider-man flash. You should make a sequel or even a series of movies. :)

This was a great movie.

This was a great movie, I really like it. good work. :)

I like this movie and the entire Robin Saga.

I like this movie and the entire Robin Saga. I would like to see some more action from Two-Face. You should have him shooting people with a gun or maybe have him do something very destructive to Gotham City.

I look forward to seeing more of your work. :)

I liked this part 2 movie.

I liked this part 2 movie. Maybe you could of made the Batman costume look a little different so we know its Robin, in the Batman suit and not Bruce Wayne. Another question the kid the Joker held hostage, was he already the new Robin or did Robin(Batman) make him the new Robin after he saves him from the Joker?

I look forward to a part 3. Good work. :)

sweet-kat22 responds:

He made him the new Robin in the end. Thanks for the review :)

I like this movie.

I like this movie based on the mario brothers characters. It could of been better and I would like to see a part 2.

mchawking responds:

You should check out the other 5 episodes... I'm sorry but there will be no part two... we are on to number 7 now. Thanks for your review.


I liked this movie.

I liked this movie, I have a cat and its always getting into trouble.

I liked this movie.

I liked this movie, it reminded me of the stick rpg.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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