
DoctorStrongbad's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 15,003 (From 2,326 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 289,430 Points

Zelda the Welder

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/70 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Clock Welder 5 Points

Repair the clock

Robot Welder 10 Points

Repair the robot

Bomb Welder 50 Points

Okay it's disarmed, but I can't just leave it BROKEN


Medals Earned: 2/5 (10/25 points)

PileOBones 5 Points

Get 500 score

TimeLord 5 Points

Get 1k score

Lovely 5 Points

Get 2k score

Speedstar 5 Points

Get 4k Score

RunningMan 5 Points

Get 8k Score

Zit Storm Beta

Medals Earned: 20/24 (255/315 points)

Expendable 5 Points

Bought 6 Upgrades

High Stamina 5 Points

Score 60 in Endure Mode

Investor 5 Points

Earned 100 $

Nasty 5 Points

10 Zits Popped

Picker 5 Points

Collect 5 bonuses

Quick Pop 5 Points

Score 30 Zits in Timed Mode

Serial Zitter 5 Points

Score 60 Zits in Limit Mode

Businessman 10 Points

Earned 1000 $

Collector 10 Points

Collect 50 Bonuses

Juicy 10 Points

100 Zits Popped

Novice Popper 10 Points

5 minutes of total playtime.

Odds Breaker 10 Points

Score 120 in Endure Mode

Upgrade Complete 10 Points

Bought 12 Upgrades

Zit-Fu Master 10 Points

Score 90 Zits in Timed Mode

Addicted 25 Points

1000 Zits Popped

Armed and Ready 25 Points

Bought 18 Upgrades

Bill Zites 25 Points

Earned 5000 $

Expert Zitter 25 Points

30 minutes of total playtime.

Hoarder 25 Points

Collect 200 Bonuses

Time Lord 25 Points

Score 250 in Endure Mode

Spotty 10 Points

Score 120 Zits in Limit Mode

King Cobra 25 Points

Score 270 Zits in Timed Mode

Zit Pianist 25 Points

Score 180 Zits in Limit Mode

Zombie Babe Pool

Medals Earned: 8/8 (300/300 points)

easy challenge complete 5 Points

win first 6 level

first win 5 Points

win first level

my site 5 Points

visit developer website

medium level complete 10 Points

win 12 level

hard level complete 25 Points

win 18 level

all level complete 50 Points

all level complete

excellent score 100 Points

get 3000 or more point on a level

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Zombie Kids Santas Surval

Medals Earned: 3/4 (55/65 points)

First Blood 5 Points

First Zombie was killed

Friday the 13th 25 Points

13 waves are passed

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

A Bag of Presents 10 Points

During the wave most zombies were killed with a bag of presents

Zombie Kids. Easter

Medals Earned: 6/7 (200/250 points)

First Blood 5 Points

First Blood

Zombie-bull is killed 10 Points

Zombie-bull is killed

Zombie-cockroach is killed 25 Points

Zombie-cockroach is killed

Big Daddy zombie is killed 50 Points

Big Daddy zombie is killed

Victory 100 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Die Hard 50 Points

Die Hard

Zombie Mania

Medals Earned: 10/10 (455/455 points)

Just getting started 5 Points

Beat the first wave

Defeat Boss 1 25 Points

Beat the first Boss

Defeat Boss 2 25 Points

Beat the second Boss

Defeat Boss 3 25 Points

Beat the third boss

Unlock the Dual Uzis 25 Points

Purchase the Dual Uzis in the store.

Defeat Boss 4 50 Points

Beat the fourth boss

Defeat Boss 5 50 Points

Beat the fifth boss

Unlock the Dual Magnums 50 Points

Purchase the Dual Magnum gun in the store

Mission accomplished! 100 Points

Beat the sixth and final boss

Unlock the Dual Miniguns 100 Points

Buy the Dual Miniguns in the store

Zombie Safari

Medals Earned: 8/14 (55/155 points)

Businessman 5 Points

It is given when you got your first $1000.

Come back 5 Points

Nice to see you again!

Exterminator 5 Points

You need 100 kills to gain this.

Good student 5 Points

It is given for completing tutorial

Trucker 5 Points

50 repairs were made.

For imperor! 10 Points

It is given when you get a bolter.

Maniac 10 Points

You need 500 kills to gain this.

Wolf skin 10 Points

You have killed 150 wolves.

Za rodinu! 5 Points

Buy all xUSSR weapons.

Ammo maniac 10 Points

You have used tons of ammo.

Traveler 10 Points

Now you are a skilled traveler. Complete 15 levels.

Helmet 25 Points

You have killed 20 riders.

Sniper 25 Points

Complete 6th level with accuracy more than 75%

Winner 25 Points

Complete game.

Zombie Shooter 2.8D

Medals Earned: 4/4 (40/40 points)

Credits 10 Points

View the credits.

First blood 10 Points

Kill a zombie.

Instructions 10 Points

View the instructions

You cheat! 10 Points

Kill a zombie using the console.

Zombie Soccer

Medals Earned: 3/6 (40/195 points)

Novice Player 5 Points

You beat Level 1: Novice

Amateur Player 10 Points

You beat Level 2: Amateur

Pro Player 25 Points

You beat Level 3: Pro

Not the ball 5 Points

You're not the ball!

Champion Player 50 Points

You beat Level 4: Champion

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!