Nice fire. I like your details on your guy. Clever to use the dark shading only for your details. Im not sure where he is supposed to be, it kind of looks like a graveyard to me, though i'm not sure if that is what you were going for.
Nice fire. I like your details on your guy. Clever to use the dark shading only for your details. Im not sure where he is supposed to be, it kind of looks like a graveyard to me, though i'm not sure if that is what you were going for.
Looking back, I should've made the structures bigger so that they look like buildings. But thanks for your nice comments :)
Nice job! I like the light shine effect. The only thing I would like to see changed is the details in the character's face. I can barely see eyes, I can't see a nose or mouth at all.
Fair enough. The bloom is too strong it seems.
Interesting. Kind of reminds me of that one Finding Nemo scene. The only thing I would suggest is maybe outline the scuba diver's tank or make it a different color so you can see it. I had a hard time seeing the ocean in this, the bubbles helped but I still had to look at your author's note to make sure it was the ocean. I think a little more detail on the guy's tank and maybe flippers could help a lot.
thank you for your suggestions. i tried to make the tank and flippers more noticeable and added a few sharks. this drawing was inspired by that Finding Nemo scene
When I first saw this I thought this was a combinations of a skateboard and a band aid. The little dots on the skateboard give it a band aid look, you might want to get rid of the holes. I like how you made the skateboard a character. However there should be wheels on top as well, they are missing a set of wheels. This actually reminds me of the old Nickelodeon show Rocket Power.
Thanks for the review (:
I actually thought this lady was a dentist. It looked like a tooth on her pocket. Either way, nice picture. The only thing I would change is how her smile is seen inside her glasses, thats a bit too far up. Her smile shouldn't be that high. I also wasn't a fan of the long stream of hair coming around her like a U shape. The hair is too smooth, looks unreal. Maybe add some strain details to it?
This is creepy but done very well. Usually I perfer color art but black and white works really well to bring this freaky character to life.
i'm glad you like it ! thanks!
I have no idea what I am looking at but I guess that's the point of Abstract art. Im more for realistic art or cartoon art but interesting drawing.
Thank you! I'll do better next time!
I don't know Halloween Town but I know Bewitch and it looks just like it.
This is really cool! I like it alot. I can see this as a book cover on a child's book or illustration inside. Good imagination and drawing skills.
Thank you :)
Great job! Looks pretty close to the movie Brave. The only thing is the girl's face looks a little younger here than in the movie. The glow effect is spot on.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04