Blueprints for some Angry faic boys. The figures should be larger, and easier to see. The words on the arrow are almost impossible to read. There is way too much empty space in this piece of art.
Blueprints for some Angry faic boys. The figures should be larger, and easier to see. The words on the arrow are almost impossible to read. There is way too much empty space in this piece of art.
This is a creepy picture of sucho. Great attention to detail on the face and mouth. There is a lot of empty space, and nothing in the background.
This is a pencil drawing of Team Japan from King Of Fighters. The art is fine, but the face could use more attention to detail. There is nothing in the background. Color would make this a better piece of art.
A man is sitting down and talking to himself. There could more attention to detail. There is too much empty space and nothing in the background. Adding color would make this much better.
An old man with only one arm. The color is okay, and the gun is a nice touch. There could be more attention to detail. There should be something in the background.
How do you diagnose with boxing gloves on your hands?
A nice drawing of two girls that appear to be sexual attracted. The girls could be more feminine. There is too much empty space and nothing in the background.
A simple drawing of a deer. The color could be brighter and vivid. There is way too much empty space, and nothing in the background.
This is a nice pencil drawing of Arcanine the Pokemon. The stripes and and fur look fine. The fire needs waves inside of it to look more like fire. There should be more in the background. Adding color would make this much better.
This 3D model is strange but nice. I like the action and the blood for special effect. Good attention to detail. There is too much empty space around the figure, and nothing in the background.
This is a quick and rushed picture of dinosaurs and a skateboarder. There could be more action. The color works well. There could be more in the background, nit just empty space.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04