UFO abducting flash. Graphics are decent but they could have more of a sci-fi vibe. The difficulty could be lowered if you gave the player more lives.
UFO abducting flash. Graphics are decent but they could have more of a sci-fi vibe. The difficulty could be lowered if you gave the player more lives.
Stick figure faint dress up flash. The low quality graphics really bring down the submission. You should flesh out the model. Adding more props and options would be a smart idea.
Combination of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 2. Graphics are just sprites that have been slightly altered. You should allow the controls to be reconfigured. All the characters need multiple attacks and special moves.
Fight the China man flash. Graphics could have higher attention to detail. There should be more ways to attack and options. This submission could be seen as racist.
Whack a mole themed flash. Graphics are good enough to television apart. Gameplay has a weird vibe to it making it difficult to scroll on every whack.
This was made on 11/5/00, and I am only the 14th person to review it.
Shooting themed flash. Graphics have a retro feel. Gameplay has a weird vibe that needs to be more stable. Adding medals would help increase the enjoyment factor.
This was made on 1/15/14, and I am only the fourth person to review it.
City build flash. Graphics have a colorful and very cute vibe. Gameplay could be improved if you remove the slowdown and added a safe feature. This is not the complete version so that lowers your overall score.
Mega Man themed flash. Graphics are just sprites from the SNES game. If you added more combat, attacks, and bonus material there would be improvement.
Parody silly flash. This is just a joke while are you waiting for NewGrounds to reload.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
Mega man themed flash. Graphics are all sprites from the Nintendo Games. If you added more to this RPG then the demo might be better.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04