
7,724 Game Reviews

620 w/ Responses

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Dress up themed flash. Graphics look rushed and sloppy. You should take your time and polish up everything. You could offer more props and options.

This game was made on 6/26/10, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Dress up fiend flash. Graphics were all about dress up in the movie Up. There were many props all over the place. It took me about 20 minutes to try every single prop.

The medals work, and I earn them all.

Cyberdevil responds:

You work fast!

Visual novel flash. Graphics are not the highlight here, and this is mostly about the story. Gameplay was just a few times that you selected an item. The story was nice.

I did not get the medal for finishing the game. Please, give me the medal that I earned.

Surgery themed flash. Graphics are descent enough to tell everything apart. You should have more than three patients. It was a bad idea to only have one tool choice for each patient. You should have at least six different tool choices.

Simulation pet flash. Graphics are low quality and if you spent more time on them, they could look better. There should be more options of what to do with the pet. There should also be more choices of how to kill the pet when do you want to quit.

Killing themed flash. Graphics are just a green stick man. You should really flesh out the stick man to improve the visuals. You should be able to use more than one gun to shoot him. You should really add a plot in an ending to the submission.

Fight club parody flash. Graphics do look like Tyler Durden and Homer Simpson. There is almost no gameplay, and this is pretty much an interactive movie.

Metallica killing flash. The graphics do not really look like Metallica. Gameplay is very limited as there were only two choices. If you added about ten different options that would make this more enjoyable.

Pokémon killing Flash. Graphics are mostly Pokémon sprites, so you get no points for original art. You should have many more deaths and maybe one or two nice choices. Adding some bonus content could be helpful.

Killing themed flash. Graphics are three stick figures that get shot. You need to put real effort into your submissions. There should be more to do than just click three times.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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