
7,724 Game Reviews

620 w/ Responses

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Soundboard featuring Mr. Rogers. The buttons could use more polish to look professional. Some of the sounds could be clearer. Not making fun of PBS, really seems like a missed opportunity.

This was made on 3/25/14, and I am only the 19th person to review it.

Soundboard featuring an old lady. Soundboards always do better when you use well-known voices. If you added some animations, then this flash should be more interactive.

This game was made on 7//12/ 12, and I am only the eighth person to review it

Joke themed flash. Graphics are a mixture of pixel arts and machinery. Gameplay is all about picking jokes that are not funny. This game takes a few tries to master the mechanics. If you allowed the player to make up their own jokes, that would improve the comedy.

Billiards themed flash. Graphics are colorful and nice level of detail. Gameplay has lag, and lag can ruin even the best game. Remove all of the slowdown. Adding more upgrades is always a good idea.

Sound board featuring a lady friend. Graphics could look more professional. Sound clips are average, but there are not enough to have a conversation. Next time you make a soundboard you should use a well known voice.

This was made on 12/17/09, and I am only the sixth person to review it.

Soundboard featuring Bob Saget. The graphics would be better if you made the words into polished buttons. The sound quality is too inconsistent. You need more clips so you can carry on a conversation.

This was made on 11/5/05, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Action shooter flash. Graphics really put the pixel in pixel art. Gameplay was decent enough but needs more content. Adding unlockables could be helpful.

This was made on 4/11/11, and I am only the tenth person to review it.

Platformer flash. Graphics are pixel art that have a cute vibe. Gameplay can have bugs while using the ink pen. Pixels can walk through your paths if they are not the correct angle.

You should not post unfinished flashes. You need to make this work, and then submit it.

This was made on 8/25/14, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Mega man copy flash. All of the graphics are stolen sprites. You should allow the controls to be reconfigurable, especially using shift as the attack button. Next time, you should create your graphics.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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