
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Your design on a slot machine has a nice look to it. The graphics you picked have it a nice sparkle and shine. You should be able to purchase something with your winnings.

The stick figures are a poor look. You need to improve your graphics. Gameplay was okay, but it ended to quickly. You should make it much longer.

This flash just feels so limited. Gameplay is okay but it is hurt by lag. You have to remove the slowness.

This is just the classic snake game that has been done so many times. There is nothing new or exciting about this game. The controls should be better especially on those turns.

Graphics are the best part of this flash. It would be nice if you had a larger selection of guns and weapons. The major flaw in this game is the slowdown. I made it to level five, but the lag was just too much to stand. If you could remove the lag, this game would really improve.

I think you should include a tutorial to explain all the buttons and moves. Once you figure out the controls, than you can start playing a game. You really need some intense music and awesome sound effects.

The clips are okay, but you really need more of them. You should have a " stop all sounds" button. This soundboard looks so plain. You need some better graphics to make it stand out.

This is an interesting take of a Windows Sim. Everything looks sleek and bright, so the graphics are top notch. the animation is decent but could always be smoother. However, there is not much to do in this game. It is just boring.

Using Stick Figures is always a poor idea. If you fleshed out your characters that would be a way to improve your graphics. The four different endings was nice, but you could include at least a total of eight or ten choices.

Stick figures are low quality so they need to look much better. The animation should be smoother as well. As you stated in the Author Comments this is mostly a movie, not a game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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