
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Having a Super Tank to defend President Bush could be a fun job. The controls are fair, but the gameplay suffers from a major issue. Why can't you use your weapons? If you could shoot your cannon and maybe a side gun than the game would be more fun.

The screen has been reduced for no reason. Return the screen to the normal size. Gameplay starts off fast and doesn't give the player a chance to react. Adding bright colors would be a top notch improvement.

This is a basic dress up game. You made the classic mistake of not including a cute anime girl. If you made the flags animated that could be a top notch idea.

This game is all about math and trying to figure out the best angles. The game is not as fun as it could be. The catapult needs to have a higher defense or more health.

I am not a huge fan of unfished games, but I gave this one a chance. You have to jump all around collect all the normal bombs, before collecting the bomb that was on fire. When you die all the enemies are still on top of you, and it can make you die several times in a row.

Your art is okay, and it's nice of you to share your work. However, this is more of a movie than a game. There is almost nothing to do and no goals to accomplish. You could have made an action game with your art as images in the background.

This is the retro game Simon that has been brought to Flash and the name was changed. Unfortunately, this flash game has been done many times before. You should try to come up with new and exciting ideas.

Well, you already told us about your crappy animation and drawings, so I can't tell you about your graphics. This game is too short. Everything about this flash screams unfinished. Next time, submit a completed game.

I believe that this is the first Scooby Doo soundboard that I have seen here on NewGrounds. The sounds are nice and crisp. Adding more clips would be an improvement.

Cyberdevil responds:

I wonder if it was the one and only at the time it was made too now... might've been. Was pretty proud of it at the time.

Thanks for the review DSB!

This is a way to dress up and customize a Rascal. The options are nice, and you do have several options. However, if you could animate it and go for a test drive. That would be a nice improvement.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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