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Kill the celebrity flash. Graphics are based off characters from the original Final Fantasy 7. The best part of the game was when you killed Elijah Wood. Five ways to kill her is not enough choices. If you wanted to make a better submission you should have had Tifa and Aeris make out.

Kill the celebrity flash. Graphics are simple and need to be much more detailed. There were only four ways to kill the smiley. You need to add at least six more. Ten deaths should be a reasonable amount.

Kill the stickman flash. Stick men are the lowest form of graphical quality. Like most killing themed games you need to add more options and choices. Currently it feels like a demo, but if you keep working it could improve.

Ad themed flash. The submission is very small and making it look like an ad was not the best decision. There should be more to do than just punching a monkey. Sound effects and music would be a good first step.

Simulation pet flash. Graphics are basic and the animation could be smoother. There should be more options to kill her.

Celebrity killing flash. Graphics are just a picture and some minor things. You only have five ways of death, and you need to add many more. With more hard work it could be better.

Soundboard featuring tejbz. Graphics could use other colors than just red. The buttons could look sleeker. You should tell us more about tejbz, most people don't know him.

This was made on 3/2/10, and I am only the eighth person to review it.

Virtual pet sim flash. The graphic are bright and colorful. Gameplay is all about clicking. I would have preferred some combat or fighting to make it more exciting.

I made it to level 300 and that was the end.

lastmiau responds:

thanks for playing 🤗 , i thought about adding a combat system but there wasn't much coherence to the game 🤔

Fighting Brawler meets clicker flash. Graphics are the pixel art version of Kendrick Lamar versus Drake. It could use much more content and goals to achieve.

Soundboard featuring KR Ghost. Graphics are good enough to tell all the cogs apart. This could really use some instructions on what to do.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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