
7,723 Game Reviews

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Starcraft remake. Graphics use sprites from the original video game. You should list the controls in the authored comments to make it easier to play. If you added more units and optional goals this would be more enjoyable.

Hangman themed flash. You should add fancy graphics and animations. Once you guess the word the game is over. There should be more to do.

Puzzle themed slash. Graphics have a very cute vibe. This is a short and sweet quiz. It was very easy and simple to finish. Might be okay for small children.

Connecting themed flash. Graphics offer different colors so you can tell all the different pieces apart. Gameplay would increase if it offered many different levels. Each one would have different colors and themes.

This was made on 6/8/04, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Dress up flash. Graphics are very bland and could use vibrant colors. Collier is a boy and that's always a bad idea I dressed up. Most people want to see a cute anime girl.

This was made on 11/8/10, and I am only the sixth person to review it.

Another basic dress up game. Lily needs to look more feminine and happier. If you made her more interactive that would be a nice touch.

This was made on 6/18/10, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Frog scene flash. Graphics have a swamp vibe, but they could have been zoomed in more to make it easier to see. Gameplay would have made more sense if the frog used his tongue to eat bugs instead of just running towards them.

Dress up flash. Graphics on the model were a little strange. You couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl. Next time, you should make your model one gender.

This was made on 12/23/10, and I am only the third person to review it.

Alien theme flash. Graphics have a cute vibe, but they could have a better attention to detail. Gameplay could use bonus content and a better ending.

Dress up flash. The graphics are colorful, but they could look more human. The girl needs to be more feminine and more interactive.

His was made on 10/18/08, and I am only the third person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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