
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Pac man remake. Graphics look exactly like Classic Pacman except you slightly change Pac-man. This game suffers from the issue that all Pac-man remakes do, trouble turning on the corners. Next time you should use your own idea for submission.

This game was made on 11/16/03, and I am only the tenth person to review.

Pac-man remake. Graphics are twist of the classic Pacman Sprites in some Miami vibes. Gameplay suffers from bugs including once the clock hit zero nothing happens. Controls could be tighter as well.

Dress up flash. Graphics are colorful but they could look more realistic. Gameplay is just like your standard dress up game. It does seem like a huge missed opportunity to have Rihanna the singer in a game without her singing.

This game was made on 7/18/11, and I am only the fourth person to review it.

Ping pong themed flash. Graphics look like a flash version of the classic pong game. You should put the controls in the author's comments. Next time you should make a new and exciting game.

Remake of Pong. The choice of red was a bad decision and blue would be a calmer color. Came functions just like classic Pong. Next time you should submit an original idea.

This game was made on 9 /22/07, and I am only the sixth person to review.

Typical Pac-man remake. Graphics look exactly the same with no originality. Gameplay is made worse because the speed of the ghost.

Pac-man themed flash. Graphics are inspired from classic Pac-man. You should allow the controls to be reconfigurable. The ghosts should have upgrades.

This is a broken spam flash. All the medals are broken so there is no reason to play it.

NEWSHOUNDS responds:

well look this is a april fools game and the actually simply 3D 2 is made this is not canon just play the New simply 3D 2

Spam themed flash. Graphics are the capital letter B flashing ten different colors. Gameplay is point and click until you finish it. Happy clock day 2023.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

Pico themed flash. Graphic show Pico flying in the sky. Controls are very simple, and it could be mastered quickly. Happy Pico Day 2023.

The medal works and I earned it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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