Sliding puzzle flash. The pixel graphics have a Christmas vibe. Controls can take a few seconds to master. The difficulty goes from incredibly easy and increases until the last puzzle is quite challenging.
Sliding puzzle flash. The pixel graphics have a Christmas vibe. Controls can take a few seconds to master. The difficulty goes from incredibly easy and increases until the last puzzle is quite challenging.
Windows parody flash. The graphics represent the very old school look of retro windows. There are a few programs that you can try out, but the simulation suffers from slowdown. If you could remove all the lag than this game would be improved.
Windows parody flash. Graphics are trying to simulate the look of Windows XP. You can only log on as Matty. You should be able to log on as yourself to make the experience more realistic.
Windows parity flash. Graphics are the flash version of Windows RG. Gameplay is just like every other windows parity flash. It has some comedy but not enough contact to keep you entertained.
Pixel creator flash. Pixel art makes up all the graphics. Gameplay is all about trying to solve the level and make it all the way to the end. If you added unlockables than this game might be more exciting.
Pixel toy flash. Graphics have a variety of colors as this is a coloring toy. You should allow the controls to be reconfigurable. There are no goals to accomplish and there is no ending.
Clue solving escape flash. Graphics have some great visuals. Gameplay can be confusing and there should be much more interaction.
The original duck themed flash. Graphics are vivid and bright. Gameplay changes as you advance your skills in running, swimming, and flying. I made it all the way to the end and now I am wearing my crown. If you added medals in this game, it would become Top Notch.
Windows parody. Graphics are very low quality. Gameplay is just clicking on things and reading. If you added more animation and fun things to do this would be better.
Windows simulation parody. Graphics are low quality and appeared to have been rushed. If you took your time, they even looked much better. Gameplay needs to have several programs that work. This might be one of the first windows parodies, so I'll give it extra credit.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04