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Level Builder gadget. Graphics are good enough to tell everything apart but could use more color options. Simple scratch design that has tons of potential to improve.

Memory matching flash. Graphics look like cards with images on the back. Once you match the 20 images the game ends. There should be an English translation of everything. I beat the game, and it just ended. You should have the option to match a larger number of cards.

This is a parody game that is not funny. It is just text with no graphics or animations.

Hop and bop platformer flash. Graphics are pretty basic so you could polish them up and definitely add some razzle dazzle. The controls had no issue. Gameplay went along very well, and I made it all the way to the ending. You should make a few more levels as bonus content after you beat the game.

Cat clicking flash. Graphics are cat sprites and buttons you press. Gameplay is all about clicking the buttons to see what happens. You should make the shop larger. Having a bigger selection of things to purchase and unlock.

Mehma01 responds:

I Will Update It And Be Patient.

This is not a game. Graphics are a man with a hat and a coyote. You click on the coyote, and it turns into a duck and a pheasant. No gameplay and very little comedy.

This game is not working. You should fix it.

Spaceship themed flash. Graphics on the spaceship and enemies could be more detailed. Gameplay is made challenging by the controls. You should allow the player to reconfigure them.

Matching puzzle flash. Graphics have the standard retro look, but the creatures could be larger and easier to see. Gameplay has a timed issue. You should have more time on each creature. Especially, when you first start off. You can take off more time as you advance levels.

wijowi responds:

Thanks for the feedback. I’m definitely still working on getting the timing right. Will also see about creature size. 👍
posted an update this morning, changed speed on first two levels and adjusted sprite size...will keep at it.

Mac sim soundboard app. Graphics are low quality. You should add better visuals and tons of animations. For a soundboard, there are not enough options. You need to add many more sounds.

LaciaStudio responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I will listen to you.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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