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Wizard themed betting mini flash. Graphics are two different wizards. The background is mostly green and tan. Gameplay is just watching the two wizards battle, and betting on the victory. There should be more action. Adding a way to purchase unlockables with your score would be a nice touch.

Sniper themed adventure flash. Graphics are colorful and detailed. Gameplay is average, but the comedy is the biggest factor here.

Toast themed flash. This is an online game developed for at least four players. It reminds me of Among Us. This game really needs a solo play mode. That would be a large improvement.

Celebrity killing demo. Graphics are a picture of a Waffle House and Drake. You press Spacebar and the game ends. You need more levels and various weapons. You should be able to chase celebrities around before you murder them.

Spam demo. The black and white colors and bare white background desperately need color. There is only one room is this small demo. All you do is click your mouse to perform squats. You need more content and action.

Action Platformer flash. Graphics have a pixel art vibe and detailed style. The jumping controls are a bit off. If you added a double jump that would be very helpful. The warping abilities have a lot of potential to be explored in future updates.

Platformer flash. The use of only black and white really limits the graphics. It desperately needs vibrant colors. The controls would work better if they were reconfigurable in case you are left or right handed. You should offer easy, medium, and hard modes. That would help newer players to explore your game without worrying about difficulty.

YassinDev responds:

thanks for your suggestions , i really appreciate it

Deck building flash. Graphics are decent enough to tell all of the cards apart. Gameplay is complicated by confusing rules. The tutorial offers a sample game but does not explain any gameplay. It is difficult to play a game without being shown how to play.

WTMK-BK responds:

The goal is to get to level 10.
You play cards in the Hand area for effects.
Complete quests to level up.
Use coin to buy things for your deck and damage to kill things in the row.
Monsters in the row will attack at the end of you turn.
Cards cycle each turn 1 at a time left to right.

Very simple parody. There are only three screens of low quality graphics. You will need many more screens to explore and items that are clickable. You should improve your scare factor. You could do better if you take your time.

Short and sweet dress up flash. Graphics have a cute vibe. You can tell that this was rushed. If you take your time and polish up the existing props and add more that would be helpful.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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