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Action Platformer flash. Graphics take the black and white concept and add purple. It only took a few seconds to master the controls. You should change up some areas because things become very repetitive. With more power ups it would make combat more interesting.

PC Maintenace gadget. Graphics are presented as a colorful cartoon. There is no gameplay at all. If gameplay was added it could demonstrate your ideas better than just walls of text.

Sussy00 responds:

Sorry for this. We will improve our System. This PowerBoost is not made for gameplay, it was made to help fix any lag on your pc. But we will use this to make our system better. We use TurboWarp to make this if you need any more help.

Remake of Asteroids. The graphics are red squares and a dark background. I didn't see anything about pizza while playing. Gameplay has the ability to use auto fire. You should be able to purchase upgrades with your score.

Spam flash. Graphics are very simple from the main character stickman to the spiky enemies. Controls are point and click, but they would be easier if you could use the arrow keys to move.

Avoider mini flash. Graphics are mostly darkness as you proceed. Gameplay is pressing start to use your talisman. Action takes place in one room. You should add more rooms and make the area into a house. Adding more weapons would help as well.

Wizard themed betting mini flash. Graphics are two different wizards. The background is mostly green and tan. Gameplay is just watching the two wizards battle, and betting on the victory. There should be more action. Adding a way to purchase unlockables with your score would be a nice touch.

Sniper themed adventure flash. Graphics are colorful and detailed. Gameplay is average, but the comedy is the biggest factor here.

Toast themed flash. This is an online game developed for at least four players. It reminds me of Among Us. This game really needs a solo play mode. That would be a large improvement.

Celebrity killing demo. Graphics are a picture of a Waffle House and Drake. You press Spacebar and the game ends. You need more levels and various weapons. You should be able to chase celebrities around before you murder them.

Spam demo. The black and white colors and bare white background desperately need color. There is only one room is this small demo. All you do is click your mouse to perform squats. You need more content and action.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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