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Avoider and clicker flash. The graphics are colorful, and you can tell everything apart. Gameplay is a little bit confusing because it starts off as just being a simple avoider. Then a clicker ability is added where you click to have a higher number than the boss. The instructions were a little confusing. If you explained everything better and remove the clicker ability this game will improve.

acoastgame responds:

Thanks for taking your time to give your feedback on this game.

thanks alot.

This cat clicker is not working correctly. Sometimes clicking on the cat does not work. Other times the game glitches out and cannot be played. If you can correct all the glitches than you will be on the way to being a complete game.

Action shooter demo. The player's sprite is too large, and it can be hit by three different lanes. You should make this sprite smaller you can only be hit by two lanes at a time. Graphics are very simple, and they could choose better visuals. I made a lot of way to the boss, and I defeated him. The ending just states " you win !!!". You should add more levels and some power ups.

Vertical shooting flash. Graphics have that retro vibe shoot you often see in Indie games. The controls work well enough. The game is way too short. You should make the entire game your first level. Add a few more levels add this game could improve.

Food collecting flash. Graphics are good to tell all the different food apart. Gameplay is more luck than skill due to the random nature of the food falling. The food also falls in a way to create difficulty that is not enjoyable.

Action flash. The game screen is too large for the screen size. You cannot view everything at once. Graphics are colorful but could look more professional. Listing the controls in the author comments would be a good idea.

Platformer submission. The graphics are low quality from the little stick man figure to the undefined green blocks. You'll need to flesh out the main character and make the green box much more detailed. The game is only one screen long, and yes you can travel of the screen. You need to make more screens.

Car themed flash. Graphics are rough and need some polishing up. Gameplay is trying to collect barrels, and you die if you hit an explosive barrel. You should be able to use your score to purchase unlockables and upgrades.

Body simulation flash. The graphics are recorded scenes that are awkward and goofy. I am going to guess that it is the author that was recorded. You should add meters, so we can tell how well our buddy is doing. Including more actions would also be helpful.

Platformer flash. Graphics are colorful and a nice level of detail. Gameplay is stalled by the controls that just feel off. If you tighten up the controls that would be a good thing.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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