
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are weak in this game, and you have the graphics as one of the biggest parts of this game. If you put more work and effort into your graphics, the game would come across much better.

This is another Windows parody game. I have seen so many of these that have to be funny without being annoying. The comedy is average, and there isn't enough content to keep your attention.

You should always have your gun ready, having to draw it out makes no sense. It is rally easy to die. You should give the character more health, so he does not die so quickly. Better graphics would also be a nice improvement.

Having two different games in one is a nice idea. However, but both games seem to suffer from the same issues. The graphics are low quality, you should spend more time on your attention to detail. Your song was not by Metallica, it is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

Stick figures are the worst form of graphics. You should flesh out your figures. Spend more time and effort on your graphics and your submissions in general.

This add on has some new things, and they can be fun to mess around them. There are still a few issues they have not been corrected. The music goes well with the gameplay.

The spaceship is too large, it should be smaller. If you tightened the controls than you could maneuver must easier. You should lose energy when you get injured instead of blowing up.

This is one of those quiz games where most of the answers are silly. It is a little bit funny, but mostly confusing as you try to guess which answer is the correct one. I made it all the way to the ending screen.

The medals work, and I earned them all.

This is another game with a reduced size screen. Return the screen to the normal size. Graphics are low tier, and the gameplay is not fun. It makes sense that this is an older version.

This is the lottery that has been turned into flash. The gameplay goes so fast and if you don't pay attention, you could lose track of what happens. You should have a combined total of how much money that you earn.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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