
7,723 Game Reviews

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You press a button and the text lists with guns you that bullet. Why not give the player a gun and let them fire out some rounds with the various guns. That would give the game some action.

The game is easy, but the aliens can be slow. If they were faster than gameplay would be better.

The intro was too long and can bore the audience. It should be shorter, and the comedy should hit you faster. The game section needs more content and to last longer.

This is another game that copies off the NES original Aarkanoid. The gameplay is slow and needs to be faster. If you added good music and sound effects it could improve.

Combining all of these tutorials together gives you lots of options. It can be tough to read them since its just a text dump. You should put spaces in between different sections. That would be helpful.

There are too many items for the top group and not enough room for them. Including the tire and a baby was not funny. Make the top group larger, so we can fit all the items.

Your figures have a skeleton look to them. It is better than just stock figures but could be more fleshed out. The background needs more decorations than just the plain grey. This could be better once it is finished.

This imitation of Halo just feels unfinished. The graphics are low quality, and the animation needs to be smoother. This game suffers from slowness as well. Once this is completed it might be better.

Your gun makes this game so challenging due to poor design. The gun shoots too slow and only has six shots. You have to click the refresh button to get more ammo. The gun should have at least ten shots and your rate of fire should be increased. If you only had to press the r key to reload that would help you stay in the game.

This is a dress up game with just some guy. Most players want to see a cute anime girl undressed, and then dress her up. You could use more props.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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