
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Dress up game. Graphics are very far away. You should zoom in on the model so it's easier to see her. Adding more props is always a good idea. If you could animate your creation, then this would really improve.

This was made on 11/15/10, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Dress up flash. Graphics have a cute vibe and should look much more realistic. Gameplay would benefit from more variety of props and options.

This was made on 7/27/1o, and I am only fourth person to review it.

Pac-man remake. Graphics look exactly like the original except the power pellets flash red and yellow. Controls need to be tighter, and it has issues when you round corners.

This was made on 10/14/08, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Pac-man remake. The sprites of Pac-man and the ghosts have been slightly altered. The power pellets now look like sticks. Gameplay is frustrating when you collect a stick and try to eat a ghost, they get a huge burst of speed and run away.

Dress up themed flash. Graphics are pictures and some props. You could use a larger variety of props. You should probably explain who is Rick Shaler and why he has celery.

This was made on 11/8/13, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Remake of Pong. Graphics are a space age vibe. Gameplay is just like the classic version of Pong. The game should be translated to English right away. Add a few musical tracks and lots of sound effects.

This was made on 3/17/08, and I am only the eleventh person to review it.

Puzzle themed flash. Graphics have a relaxed and chill vibe. The challenge level is low and there could be more goals to accomplish.

Memory themed flash. Graphics are detailed but they could use a larger variety of color. The controls took me a few seconds to master and then I was on my way.

The Medal works and I earned it.

Puzzle themed flash. Graphics have a retro vibe that reminds me of Mega Man. You should have listed the controls in the authors comments. This game should be longer and have some bonus content.

Acme remake flash. Graphics look like a Scratch version of classic Pac-man. There is nothing new or exciting to be found here.

alexparr responds:

To be fair this was made when I was like 11 years old. I didn't even read the darned Newgrounds terms of use before making this account! I guess I was just desperate for attention back then.
Perhaps one day I could remake this and give it its' own unique flair; I'm just not sure how I'd do that.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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