
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Remake of Tic-Tac-toe. Graphics are very simple and basic. Gameplay is exactly the same as the regular game. If you are going to remake a game put something new and exciting within it.

This was made on 7/8/09, and I am only the sixteenth person to review it.

Board game flash. Here we have a remake of Tic-Tac-Toe. Graphics are standard but could use some razzle dazzle. Gameplay is fine. Nothing new or original to be found.

This was made on 3/9/15, and I am only the eight person to review it.

Remake of Tic-Tac-Toe. You accomplished your goal of making impossible mode impossible. This would be better with a two-player mode and bonus content.

This was made on 11/22/10, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

Strategy themed flash. The graphics are low quality and needs better visuals. Gameplay works just like the classic Tic- Tac-Toe. The challenge level was easy.

This was made on 4/4/12, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

Satyre responds:

Thanks for the feedback.

The game is 12 years old and one of my first games for training purposes, so basically no big experience with development, graphic design and game design. There is no triple-A to be expected ;D

Scene creator flash. The Naruto sprites are very tiny. They should be much larger.

Scene creator demo. Graphics are all Madness sprites. This is not the first Madness scene creator and there is nothing new or exciting that has been added.

Scene creator flash. The graphics are all sprites of invader Zim. There is an issue where you cannot change the character's position. If you can fix the issues and add plenty more sprites this could be better.

Scene creator demo. Graphics feature Madness sprites, but you forgot Hank. You really need to add several sprites of Hank. Gameplay work showcase so far. If you keep working at this demo it could improve.

Scene creator flash. Graphics offer some sprites from the Naruto universe. However, you forgot to add the Naruto sprite. That is a major mistake, and it needs to be corrected quickly. Adding several different sprites of Naruto and Sakura would be a smart idea.

Scene creator flash. The graphics here are all Madness sprites. Gameplay is very basic. This is not the first Madness scene creator I have ever seen. Adding a full screen option would be helpful.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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