
7,723 Game Reviews

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A soundboard that offers a guy saying premade sentences. This style does not offer much creativity. You need more sound clips and some voice acting as well.

This was made on 7/9/14, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

Step brothers soundboard. It could use animations from the movie. Needs more sound clips and options. This might be better once it is completed.

This was made on 12/26/09, and I am only the second person to review it.

Vertical shooter flash. Graphics offer pixel art and have a retro vibe. Controls only took a few seconds to master. Everything offered here is pretty generic overall.

Tutorial themed flash. Graphics focus on stick figures, which are the lowest form of quality. It could be helpful to a new person. If it offered more information, it could be useful to more people.

This was made on 11/25/08, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Quiz themed flash. Graphics are colorful and all the figures had their own style. This game is all about music, so if you have trouble hearing do not bother playing at all.

Game tutorial flash. Graphics need more polish to look professional. You should remove all of the flashing in the background. Gameplay could be more exciting and fun.

This was made on 8/24/10, and I am only the seventh person to review it.

This is Tic Tac Toe. Graphics are basic, and they could use more colors and razzle dazzle. There is nothing new or original here.

Pong themed flash. Graphics are average and could look much more professional. Gameplay offers nothing new or original. It could use unlockables to increase the replay factor.

StarCraft themed flash. Graphics have the exact sprites of StarCraft. You should list your controls in the Author Comments. You should have a choice over your starting units and which team you can pick. This demo needs more work and effort.

This is the superior version of Brink of Alienation. Graphics appear to have been updated. Gameplay feels about the same, and there was still some slowdown.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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