
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Action platformer flash. Graphics are colorful and things have a nice level of detail. The game suffers from slowdown and the hit boxes need to be fixed. If everything ran smooth and it was easier to attack the enemies, this game could become top notch.

Home saving Flash. The graphics have a top view which is not seen very often in flash games. This game has a bad half of the freezing and then you have to refresh it. If you could remove the freezing This game could be played as it was intended.

Action platformer flash. Graphics have a clock day vibe which means they should use more effort to look better. There really isn't much to do as it's just B running forever. No action, adventure, or even comedy in this mission.

This was made on 8/15/11, and I am only the ninth person to review it.

Ninja killing flash. Graphics and they could be larger so they're easier to see. This would be improved if you made it into different levels. Each level could have its own boss and a reward after finishing it.

Tic tac toe fiends flash. Graphics are basic and can use some razzle dazzle. The difficulty was made so that you pretty much draw every time you play. That was a silly idea because the player does not have the fun of winning.

This is another flash version of tic-tac-toe. The graphics are simple, but you can tell everything apart. The difficulty is very easy as you noted the computer is not the smartest.

This is a remake of Pacman. The graphics are OK overall and has the Pac-Man vibe. You should list the controls in the author's comments. The game suffers from a few errors, and if you fixed them, it would be improved.

This was made on 6/26/13, and I am only the fifth person to review it.

Flag puzzle flash. Graphics are average and could use razzle dazzle. Gameplay is okay if you enjoy flags.

This is a odd quiz the last questions about words matching text color. All you do is answer yes or no and the game ends very quickly. There should be more interactions, more content, and some entertainment.

Korean learning flash. The graphics are okay, but they could use much more razzle dazzle. This feels more like homework than an actual game. There is nothing fun or entertaining here.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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