
7,723 Game Reviews

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The graphics are just sprites from Final Fantasy. In the flash, you made the moving scenes way too long. The plot was short, and then it's over. This is a demo, next time submit a completed game.

The graphics are just Super Mario sprites. The controls seem odd, you should include a way to remap them. Most users will not have a second player. If you introduced a way to fight the computer, that would be a good improvement.

Graphics are average, but the animation is off. Take your time and make that animation silky smooth. The beginning was way too long. Once the game actually starts, it really disappoints. There should be a goal to accomplish and an actual ending.

Graphics are really low tier, and the animation is sloppy. Replace all the stick figures with flashed out characters. Time your time to make the animation much smoother. You should include more content and action in this flash.

This is the first flash that I have seen about a pie eating contest. Graphics are weak and need more attention to detail. Adding sound effects would really help this game improve.

The graphics and animation are okay, they both need to be improved to make the game look better. There was nothing new or original in this flash. Once this beta is finished, it could be better.

Combining the driving and shooting aspects in this flash worked out well. Graphics are average, but you can tell everything apart. They should be a way to change weapons and obtain upgrades.

Graphics and animation are both low quality. Increase the attention to detail on the airplanes, since that is the main part of the game. Smooth out your animation so the flying effect looks much better. If you included a way to purchase better weapons that could be helpful.

This is a silly version of a public safety announcement. Graphics and animation both need more work. You should lower the voice, is it currently too loud.

This is based of the Arcade classic Asteroids. I was surprised that you want people to enter an email to play this game. This is okay as a test. I look forward to your finished game.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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