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This is based of the Arcade classic Asteroids. I was surprised that you want people to enter an email to play this game. This is okay as a test. I look forward to your finished game.

It all starts out with a giant D, and it does not get much better. I gave this a chance, but I really did not care for it. There should be more content and more action for improvement.

The graphics on the balls are off, you want them to look sharp and bright. The speed short start off slow, and than get faster over time. This is a sub game, you should develop this into a full game.

This is a nice little quiz that is all about the comedy. The humor was okay, but you should try to include my jokes. This is just a demo, next time submit a full game.

You took the classic game of Snake and designed different rules. That is an original idea, but I prefer the original rules. If you could eliminate all the glitches, this game would be better.

You made a copy of the arcade classic Space Invaders, but you removed all the color. Why did you make it black and white? That was a bad idea. Return the color and include some power ups if you want to improvement.

This is a nice Valentine's greeting from the Happy Tree Friends. It is still entertaining 20 years later.

Graphics are just stick figures which is the lowest tier. Your combat moves are okay, but including special moves would be a nice touch. Once this demo is finished, it could be much better.

Kill celebrities has been a classic of flash games since they first started. Its Nelly's turn and he is suffering. If you included more choices to assault him that be an improvement.

This flash takes the normal dress up game and put a little goth spin on it. Every dress up game is only as good as its props, you should add many more props. If you could take a picture after you finish up your outfit, that would be a nice touch.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


Joined on 10/20/04

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