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Stick figures are the lowest tier of graphics, you should spend more time to make your graphics better. The gameplay should not be random clicking. There should be a more accurate way to pull off your moves.

The photos of the band are okay, but it would of been nice to see more graphics. If you added different weapons and power ups that could help the replay factor.

There are really no graphics at all, just a picture at the end. The quiz questions seem normal enough. You should really make more choices of partners for a connection. Increase the humor and comedy.

Graphics are low quality and the animation is flawed. Take your time and put more effort in your graphics and try to make your animation smoother. You should also add more choices of options.

It's a matching game, but it ends way too quickly. You need to have different puzzles are get a little tougher until you finish the game. Include a good ending so the player feels closure.

The graphics are okay, but they could really be improved. Adding sounds is what this game really needs. If you like to see two monkeys fighting than this could be the flash for you.

This is the first flash that I have seen where you get to make waves. Graphics are okay, but a game like this needs top notch graphics. Animation could be much smoother as well.

Graphics were top notch for when this came out in 2003. You could always add more option to give the player more choices. A good improvement would be to have your car be able to race around a racetrack.

The graphics are basic and the animation is off. If you worked on your attention to detail and made your animations smoother, it would really help. Also, you should give us more options for attacks.

This is the standard version of Pac-Man. Sometimes, when you would try to move it would not work, and than a ghost will kill you. If you added sound it would be helpful.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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