
7,723 Game Reviews

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Graphics of the characters all look like the cartoon versions. If you remember how to make the Krabby Patty you finish the game. There should be more to do, and different levels to explore.

This game has a little influence from Bubble Bobble the NES game. The gameplay is okay, but you should be allowed to move faster. Also, why can you only shoot forward? If you shoot sideway it would make the game a little easier.

Graphics look nice, but why is everything so far? The entire screen should be much larger. The gameplay is a mix of tennis and shooting cans. If you added some upgrades to make your tennis ball have a double effect, it would be an improvement.

The graphics are mostly sprites from the original NES games. You can see some deaths here, but you don't actually get to play as them. You should include more characters and have them all do more than one killer move.

Stick figures are the lowest form of graphics. The health system is off in this game, you can go past negative one thousand health. This is just a demo, so it could be much better one completed.

Graphics look nice and have that martial arts vibe. The figures could be a little larger, and the screen could be larger as well. If you added more weapons, attacks, and special attacks this flash would improve.

This is an okay car simulator flash, but it needs work. It is a beta, so it could be better once it is fully finished.

This is a car game where you have to make it all the way to the end of the city. There are obstacles to avoid and you had to watch all of your turns. If you included different car choices, that would be a good idea.

The graphics remind you if the actually gameshow. The gameplay is all about solving the questions to progress. If you know your NewGrounds info and history, you can do well. I made it all the way to the end.

Its an egg that does thing, that is an interesting concept. While it is original, it just seems underwhelming. If you made more things to do and polished up the graphics, there would be an improvement.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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