
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Soundboard featuring Arnold. Graphics appear so sloppy. You should have a different screen for different movies. The picture when you press a button was a nice touch. When you press stop all sounds the music stops. You should correct that bug.

Puzzle Pac-Man flash. Graphics looks a little like Pac-Man but with less effort. Gameplay is too simple, but also slow at the same time. Remove the lag, add more levels, and add a plot.

Soccer themed flash. Graphics are stick figure which is lowest quality. Gameplay is limited to only having five kicks, then it's over. You should be able to play longer. Maybe offer different levels and it needs more activities.

Sir-Davey responds:

Funny people are reviewing shit from 21 years ago with today's standards.

Thanks for the review anyways!

Spam themed flash. Graphics are low quality and needs to be polished. This is another spam game that is not funny and makes little sense. It needs more effort.

NewGrounds BBS flash. Graphics on the buttons are okay. There is really no gameplay at all.

This does serve as a reminder of all the hard work and effort I put in back in 2008.

Dodge themed flash. Graphics have an outerspace vibe. Gameplay can be tough but fair after you master the concept and controls. Adding plenty of upgrades would be a nice move.

Spam flash. This is a joke game that is not funny. You did acknowledge that you put zero effort into this submission in the Author Comments.

Monkey themed flash. Graphics have not improved since the original. Gameplay is very easy and it should be longer. The music goes well with the action.

Tutorial themed flash. Graphics are simple, as this is made for a game that hasn't been made. There is no gameplay at all. It feels like a demo of a tutorial for a nonexistent game.

This was made on 10//26/08, and I am only the sixth person to review it.

Racing themed flash. Graphics are low quality and bland. This is basically a demo that needs more work. It really need sound effects and music.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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