Shark themed flash. Graphics need to have better visuals. You should make the controls reconfigurable. Gameplay is really easy.
Shark themed flash. Graphics need to have better visuals. You should make the controls reconfigurable. Gameplay is really easy.
Action Brawler flash. Graphics have some high quality visuals. Gameplay has some decent controls.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
Shooting themed flash. Graphics are probably the best thing. Gameplay has slowdown, and that lag has got to go. There needs to be stronger weapons and upgrades.
Pancake flipping flash. Graphics are colorful and detailed. Gameplay is just flipping pancakes, which becomes repetitive quickly. The game is too short. There should be something to do after you make all your pancakes.
Pac-man themed flash. Graphics need polish to look professional. Gameplay has the same errors that all these Pac-man remakes share. You should correct the errors right away.
Pac-Man themed flash. Graphics bring a comedy vibe to the classic Pac-man formula. Having to use click and drag controls just feels wrong.
Pac-man themed flash. Graphics look a little different than the original Pac-Man. You should include power pellets they are a Pac-man staple. If you added medals, it would increase the fun factor.
Pac-man themed flash. Graphics are borrowed from the original Pac-man. Controls can be frustrating as you get stuck on the corners.
Adventure themed flash. Graphics are good enough to tell everything apart. Gameplay is just too slow. This game needs to be faster.
The medals work, and I earned them all.
Shooting themed flash. Graphics need more special effects and razzle dazzle. Gameplay is okay, but adding new attacks and upgrades would be helpful.
This was made on 9/25/10, and I am only the eighth person to review it.
I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)
Age 30, Male
Joined on 10/20/04