
7,723 Game Reviews

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Shooter themed flash. Graphics have the standard shooter look. Gameplay could use more interesting enemies, variety of upgrades, and new attacks. My game crashed while playing it, and that should be removed right away.

This is the same exact game as Phage Wars. There is still not a save feature. It gets the same low score as your other exact copy of this flash.

Virus themed flash. Graphics have the virus vibe and uses different colors. Gameplay is where everything falls apart. I was disappointed that I could not see my base virus stats. I was adding upgrades, but no idea what numbers my stats were reaching. This game really needs a save feature.

Clicker themed flash. Graphics are black and white and could really use color. Gameplay is just clicking over and over. I completed the entire game, but I did not receive the medal.

Please, send me the medal that I earned.

First person shooter flash. Graphics are sprites of the Teletubbies, so no creativity. Gameplay is point and click as you shoot the targets. You should list the controls in the Author Comments. You need more ways to attack them, and upgrades would be a smart move.

Assault themed flash. Graphics are okay, except for the stick figures. You should really flesh out your characters. It could use more areas to explore, and the game length could be longer.

Language gadget flash. There are no graphics as its just white screens and a grey button. Gameplay is just pressing the convert button. This might work well if it was combined with a complete game.

Action shooting flash. Graphics have Thanksgiving vibes but could look more professional. Gameplay is made difficult from the Pilgrims. They shoot too quickly. Adding power ups and quirks could be helpful.

Survival themed flash. Graphics are simple and could use some razzle dazzle to spice things up. Gameplay was decent overall. This game desperately needs sound effects and a choice of a few musical tracks.

Shoot them up flash. Graphics are good enough to tell the enemies apart. Gameplay has some issues including being able to hold your shot. It turns your spaceship almost into a flying sword. You should make sure things vanish when they die. I killed the same ship many times.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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