
7,723 Game Reviews

617 w/ Responses

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Sonic themed flash. Graphics borrow from Sonic the Hedgehog. Gameplay has slowdown which is never good. Remove all the lag and speed things up.

Pac-man remake flash. Graphics feature different colors on the enemies. Gameplay has loose controls. Tighten up the controls and correct the colors to begin making it better.

Action shooter flash. Graphics are detailed and look nice. Gameplay suffers from glitch and the last level Is too challenging. If you can remove the glitches and make the last level easier, this would really improve.

Action themed flash. Graphics look good and have a nice level of polish. Gameplay suffers from all the grinding. The difficulty really rises once you get past the first few levels.

RPG themed flash. Graphics have that retro vibe. Gameplay is very similar to the original the Legend of Zelda. The inability to save everything correctly is the biggest issue with this game. Without being able to save everything, It ruins the fun factor.

Rocket Santa flash. Graphics are the best part of this submission. Gameplay tends to be very grindy and most of it is luck based. Once you have all the upgrades it should be easy to advance. Game length could be longer as well.

Vertical flight shooter. Graphics have nice shading and detail. Gameplay can be a little rough as the controls could be tighter. This game experiences the same slowdown from too many enemies as your past one. Removing the lag will help us become top notch.

Survival demo. Graphics are very basic and plain. Gameplay is a copy of Plants versus Zombies. You should turn off with more money and guns should be cheaper. This demo needs better visuals right away.

Text and shooter flash. Graphics are very detailed and polished. Gameplay is all about trying to survive each level. The higher the level you reach the more enemies come for the screen. With the increasing amounts of enemies, you start to experience slowdown.

Maze themed demo. Graphics are the best part of this submission. Gameplay was made easy with a way to cheat listed on the Author Comments. You should add bonus content and a way to increase the fun factor.

This was made on 6/28/07, and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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