
7,723 Game Reviews

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First person shooter flash. Graphics are sprites of toys, so no points for art. Trying to shoot the enemies does not always function correctly. You cannot die or get injured while playing. The final boss is a head with a snake body. If you corrected the aiming system, had various gun choices, and added power ups this could be better.

Pet themed flash. Graphics are decent enough, but the white background could use some color or designs. The gameplay is offensive as you murder a one armed retarded dude.

Maze themed flash. Graphics are very blocky and reminds me of Atari games. I walked off the map at first while exploring. You should remove that ability. The Queen is great at stopping you, and that can be challenging for newer players.

Sniper training flash. Graphics are low quality and most of the screen is just an empty sky. Gameplay only features ten targets and one moving target. Your score system is all messed up.

This was made on 12/17/00. and I am only the eighteenth person to review it.

First person shooter. Graphics are simple and need better visuals. Gameplay was disappointing due to the lack of head shots. Everything just feels like a less entertaining version of Metal Gear. You should try to make a game with your own style.

Spam themed demo. Graphics are mostly red and blue with a guy waving in the background. Gameplay feels like a proof of concept at best. The lack of plot is just shows you didn't put much effort into this demo.

Action shooter flash. Graphics are dull and need more polish. Gameplay is really basic. If you added different types of weapons and many levels it would be improved.

Puzzle themed demo. Graphics are just a picture from Austin Powers, so no originality. The puzzle pieces shrink when you put them in the correct spot. That is strange and just feels off. Add many more puzzles and some unlockables and this demo could be better.

This was made on 11/18/00, and I am only the seventeenth person to review it.

Retro themed demo. Graphics are the main part of this flash, and yes there are retro. Difficulty jumps from easy in level one to challenging in level two. This demo needs more levels and some bonus content.

This was made on 12/5/00, and I am only the fifteenth person to review it.

Avoider flash. Graphics are a bright pink, and you can tell the enemies apart. Gameplay is just like Space Invaders. This entire flash is just a more difficult remake of Space Invaders.

I love most video game parody movies and I'm trying to earn my way to the top. :)

Age 30, Male


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